Beginners Can Start with Web Site Builders.
Serious online business usually requires a WEB Site. If you don't know anything about WEB Design your can create your WEB site easily with Site Builders. WEB Site Builders are designed to enable companies or individuals to quickly develop Web sites without the need for a developer or a programmer.
There are two types of Site Builders; online and offline. Online Site Builders are much more popular and usually easier to use. Many hosting companies include free online site builders as a part of their hosting offers.
There are two types of Site Builders; online and offline. Online Site Builders are much more popular and usually easier to use. Many hosting companies include free online site builders as a part of their hosting offers.
The simplest forms of online site builders are offered by Blog Services like Blogger and WordPress. They are easy to use but have predefined outlay, limited customization, and specific purpose.
The most sophisticated builders are user-friendly, have number of templates and prefabricated pages. Some of the Site Builders even enable building e-commerce driven sites.
Here are some Site Builders you can try:
SiteStudio – This Site Builder is probably the most popular builder offered by hosting companies. At the provided link you can try out a demo so that you can see all that this application can do. Numerous templates are included for different purposes, giving most sites the ability to find a design that suits their needs quite well. Sites are built step-by-step, so even a novice can quickly master this application without any problem.
Soholaunch Pro - This is very popular site builder offered by hosting companies and is very powerful. Several templates come bundled with this application as well as add-ons that can make your site even more functional. This application can also help you build an e-commerce site. It also can assist you in creating password protected pages on your site.
BlueVoda is one of the most popular offline site builders. You can select a ready-to-use website template and add all your content, pictures and links to the template. To be familiar with the site builder, you may need to spend some time to watch their short video tutorials.
Google Pages is free sub domain hosting service that also offers free online site builder. This option might not be appropriate for an online business website but it is nice tool to start building your first WEB Site and gain some practice.
There are some advantages and some disadvantages when using Site builders. It is the fastest way to create a webs site especially if you are a beginner. Anyway, on a long run it is smarter to focus on sophisticated HTML editors like FrontPage or Dreamweaver. With Dreamweaver you can create WEB projects that can work like Site Builders but with much more customization.